what we believe

As a church, we desire to be molded by God's Word and motivated by God's glory as we make disciples throughout God's world.

We are a part of the Evangelical Free Church of America. A statement of what we believe can be found by clicking here.

Read a brief history of our church by clicking here. 


If you are around our church for long, you’ll probably hear the word "gospel" used a lot.  It simply means good news.  So what is the good news?  It begins with the holy God creating humans in His image and creating all things for His glory.  Yet due to our  rebellion and disobedience, all of creation is cursed and we actually prefer the temporary pleasures of sin over the eternal pleasures of God!  As a result we stand condemned before our holy God. 

But because of His great love and mercy, God prepares a way for spiritually dead, broken image-bearers to be made alive.  God sends His eternal Son, Jesus, to live the obedient life we failed to live and to suffer on the cross the punishment that we deserved to suffer.  Three days after His death, Jesus was resurrected, breaking the power of sin and death.  He promises to return to be the final Judge and to set up His eternal Kingdom.  

Our eternity depends on how we respond to this good news.  

Click here to look at the choice we all face.  

Our hope is that, by God’s grace you will repent of your sin and put your faith in Christ alone if you have not already.  

He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  

our Elders

Our elders are shepherds who are called

to know, lead, feed, and protect the flock (the church).  

2025 Elders:

Front Row: Ryne Reyes, Mark Guy, Chris Stauffer, Lynn Lee

Back Row: Ron Allen, Pastor Nick Dykema, Pastor Jeremy Nelson

our deacons

Our deacons are servants who give extra time and attention

to financial and facility details that help the church function.

2025 Deacons from left:

Bret Roeske, Dave Baker, Matt Meyer, Mike Van Voorst, Jeff DeWeese, (Steve Campbell, not pictured)

Our deaconesses

Our deaconesses are servants who give extra time and attention

to a wide variety of details that help the church function.  

2025 Deaconesses from left:

Maya Van Voorst, Sheena Renaud, Chelsie Meyer, Jeanette Reyes, Amanda Fjeld, (Mandy Kerns, not pictured)

our staff

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our missions partners

Our church is not a social club.  God has called us to a world-altering mission and it is our privilege to obey Him and make disciples of all nations.  In Acts 1:8, Jesus instructed His disciples to begin right where they were and move out to the ends of the earth.  In one sense, all we do as a church could be called missions.  In addition to all that takes place in our church as we make disciples and train those disciples to go out and make disciples, we partner with a number of others who are using their unique gifts and passions to make disciples.  In addition to praying for these partners, we also give a significant portion of our budget to support them in the work they are doing.  We support missions and missionaries locally and globally. 

Learn more about our missions partners here. 

Online church directory

Regular attenders of Iowa Falls Evangelical Free Church are invited to be a part of Breeze, our online church directory. In Breeze, you'll find contact info for and pictures of those in our church family. If you are a regular attender and do not yet have access to this directory, please contact the church office.

Click here to be taken to the Breeze login page.