join us for a worship service

We'd love to have you join us for a Worship Service on a Sunday morning at 10:15am.

Not sure what to expect? Never been to a Worship Service before?

Take a look below to see what elements are included in our Worship Service each week. 

  • We usually begin with a welcome and some music.  Our singing is led by a worship team, but it is not a performance.  It’s just a time for us to fix our eyes and hearts on God together.  We use songs that were written last year and songs that were written 400 years ago.  If you know them, you can sing with us.  The words will be projected on a screen.  If you’d rather just listen, you can do that, too. 

  • We will likely pray a few times during our Worship Service.  Prayer is an incredible privilege and we look forward to opportunities to pray together.  Sometimes a worship leader will pray and sometimes a pastor or elder will pray and sometimes you’ll have an opportunity to pray silently in your seat.  

  • Part of our worship includes giving our money to be used for the spread of the gospel in Iowa Falls and beyond.  If you’re just visiting, don’t feel compelled to give.

  • God’s Word is central to our time together.  If you have a Bible, bring it with you.  If not, ask one of our leaders and we’ll get one for you. The words are usually projected on the screen as well.  We usually stand together as the Bible is read.  Sermons are "expository" which simply means that they are rooted deep in the Word so that the point of the Scripture text is the point of the message.  Expect to be encouraged, challenged, and transformed by God’s Word.  

  • Usually on the first Sunday of each month, we remember the death of Jesus by taking communion together.  All who have repented of their sin and trusted in Christ alone for salvation are invited to join us.  You don’t have to be a member of Iowa Falls Evangelical Free Church to participate.  We also occasionally have the privilege of witnessing the life-transforming power of the gospel as people publicly profess their faith in Jesus through baptism.  

children's ministries

In all our children's and youth ministries, we have 3 core concepts for discipleship:

  • Head-We want children to know what the Bible really says and who Jesus really is.
  • Heart-We want children to feel their sin and God's love.
  • Hands-We want kids to live repenting and believing, repeating and multiplying.

During the school year, our children's ministries include Sunday School for all ages at 9:00am on Sunday mornings (September-May) and children ages 4 years old through 6th grade are invited  to join us at  AWANA on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00pm (September-April). PLEASE NOTE the time change for AWANA for the 2024-25 school year.

We also encourage you to bring your children with you to the Worship Service on Sunday mornings. They learn so much as they watch you participate with the church in singing, praying, and listening to the reading and preaching of the Bible. And sometimes, we know parents just need a break! So, on Sunday mornings during Sunday School and worship service, there is a staffed nursery for children through the age of 3 years old.

youth ministries

Our youth ministries, for grades 6-12, exist to encourage and equip our young people to become disciples of Jesus Christ. Our emphasis is on reading and studying the Word of God, glorifying Him in all we do, and learning how to carry out His commands. 

In addition to the Sunday morning Worship Service, there are Sunday School classes for all ages at 9:00am on Sunday mornings during the school year.

New for the 2024-25 school year, we have a Youth Group for grades 6-12 that meets every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00pm at the church building from September-May. This time together includes a game, snacks, learning from God's Word all together, and then small groups (age and gender specific).

In addition to Wednesdays, those in high school are invited to be a part of the High School Life Group (grades 9-12), which meets every Sunday from 6:00-8:00pm from September-May to share a meal, discuss the events of the week, and work through the weekly life group guide from that Sunday's sermon. This group meets at the home of Ryne and Jeanette Reyes.

Adult Life Groups

We believe that people grow when they are connected to God's Word and God's people. Life Groups help us establish life-giving relationships as we grow together toward maturity in Christ.  These groups typically meet weekly from September-May with their study being connected to Sunday morning's sermon. 

Typically, groups meet less regularly in the summer months.

  • high school life group

    Students in grades 9-12 are invited to be a part of this group, which includes informal Bible study with an emphasis on relationship building over a meal and through prayer. They meet Sundays, 6-8p, beginning September 8. This group will meet at the home of Ryne and Jeanette Reyes.

    Pastor Nick's Contact Info: or 641.204.9284

  • out west sunday life group

    Lynn and Trish Lee's Life Group meets on Sunday nights at 6:30pm at the church building. No childcare provided. 

    Lynn's Contact Info: or 641.640.2227

  • North Side life group

    Ron and Linda Allen's group is meeting on a new day in 2024! They will meet on Sunday nights at 7p in Ron and Linda's home, beginning September 8. No childcare available.
    Ron's Contact Info: or 641.373.3382

  • west side life group 1

    Join Ryne and Jeanette and their group on Tuesdays at 6:30pm, beginning September 10. The last Tuesday of every month is a carry-in meal/fellowship night! Children are welcome to be a part of the group (or there will be an activity for them, when appropriate). Please contact Ryne for location.

    Ryne's Contact Info: or 562.537.5563

  • west side life group 2

    This year, Jeremy and Kirstin's group will gather about 3 Tuesday nights a month at 6:30pm in their home on the west side. No childcare provided.

    Jeremy's Contact Info: or 641.640.0685

  • south side life group

    Jeff and Mary Vieth's Life Group meets weekly on Thursdays at 6:30pm at Jeff and Mary's home. Children are welcome to come play while the adults meet. 

    Jeff's Contact Info: or 641.640.4525

  • up north life group

    Mark and Linda's Life Group meets on Thursday nights at 6:30pm in their home 8 miles north of Iowa Falls. Children are welcome to come play while the adults meet. This group meets through the summer, but takes a break during harvest (mid-September through mid-November).

    Mark's Contact Info: or 641.521.5924

  • Senior fellowship life group

    Bob and Carol Rieken lead the Senior Fellowship Life Group. This group meets at the church building approximately one Sunday per month following the Worship Service for a meal and Bible study. Senior adults are welcome to join this, and/or, another group.

    Bob's Contact Info: or 515.689.3006

additional adult ministries

Here are some more opportunities for growth:

  • Women's Ministries-includes Bible studies, fellowship events, and one-to-one discipleship/mentoring
  • {Insert Group Name Here} Men's Group-Men need Jesus. And men need each other. All men are welcome to this gathering on Friday nights at 8p, beginning September 6 (and yes, that's really the name!)
  • GriefShare-support group for those who have lost a loved one                                                          Thursdays, 4:00-6:00pm, September 5-December 12, 2024                                                                        More GriefShare info and registration here.
  • Sunday School-9:00am on Sunday mornings during the school year, beginning September 8, 2024

Pastors' picks Books

Head to our online bookstore by clicking here and find books our pastors recommend. 

You can also check out the Pastors' Picks Bookshelf in the church building by the offices.